International Book Week

According to many Facebook posts, it’s International Book Week. I could not find anything in depth about this dedicated week. But honestly, who cares. You love books, I love books and I love that Facebook has created a game that celebrates books. I’m moving the game to my blog! The rules are simple:

1)    Grab the closest book to you.
2)    Turn to page 52
3)     Post the 5th sentence as a comment on my blog! (Oh, and   don’t mention the title.)
Here's the excerpt from the closest book to me. 
You remember, the guy whose eye you shot out.

1 comment:

  1. While Lucas was working on Graffiti, Steven Spielberg (who had graduated from Cal State Long Beach a short time after George left USC) teamed up with Hal Barwood and Matthew Robbins to write a script based on on of the biggest news stories of 1969.
