The Bay of Foxes

The story line in The Bay of Foxes was very familiar and predictable.  Sadly, Sheila Kohler has not crafted an original tale. This book has been touted as exploring issues of sexual politics, colonialism and race. It did not go into great depth on any of these issues and hence does not deserve to be praised so highly. I wish the book had developed Dawit’s personal history more fully. These parts were very interesting, but they were just brief glimpses. Additionally, there are no shocks and thrills although the jacket promises, an erotic, compelling tale of passion, control and murder. I guess when the front cover alluded that this novel is similar in writing style to a Patricia Highsmith novel, I should have put the book back as I was very disappointed by Highsmith’s so-called psychological thriller titled The Cry of the Owl. I hope my next read is more engaging. 

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